MobiusPi API Manual


MobiusPi is the secondary development platform for the InGateway series product. This document explains how to call the APIs of the mobiuspi_lib library. This library is used to retrieve MobiusPi’s runtime status and call MobiusPi’s physical interfaces.

Installation SDK

InHand Networks provides the software development kit (SDK) that includes the mobiuspi_lib library. Please contact our customer services if you want to obtain MobiusPi’s SDK and its feature information. For more information about how to install and upgrade the SDK, see IG902 Updated Software Versions.

Python requirements

The MobiusPi Python SDK is applicable to Python 3.7 and 3.8. If you use other Python versions, code execution may be abnormal. You can access the command prompt or start python IDE and run the python command to view your Python version. The content of this document is based on Python 3.7 and 3.8.


1. Basic

Getting started

The following example shows how to restart MobiusPi.

# Import the Basic class
from mobiuspi_lib.basic import Basic

# Create a basic instance
basic = Basic()

# Restart MobiusPi
print("will reboot ...")
r = basic.reboot()
print("reboot : %s" % r)

Instructions for use

You can use the Basic class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create a basic instance
  • Use reboot() to restart MobiusPi

Method description



Use this method to restart MobiusPi.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

  • Return value description

    • ok: MobiusPi is restarted successfully.
    • failed: MobiusPi cannot be restarted.

2. Cellular

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the MobiusPi cellular information:

# Import the Cellular class
from mobiuspi_lib.cellular import Cellular

# Create a cellular instance
cellular = Cellular()

# Retrieve modem information
modem = cellular.get_modem()
print("get modem: %s" % modem)

Output result of the example:

get modem: {
    "active_sim": "SIM 1",
    "imei_code": "811622048741556",
    "imsi_code": "411220441893359",
    "iccid_code": "84463317227780999882",
    "phone_number": "+8611162203133",
    "signal_level": 0,
    "dbm": 113,
    "rerp": 0,
    "rerq": 0,
    "register_status": 0,
    "operator": "CHN-CT",
    "apns": "",
    "network_type": "4G",
    "lac": "BB00",
    "cell_id": "DD788B81"

Instructions for use

You can use the Cellular class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create a cellular instance
  • Use get_modem() to retrieve the modem status
  • Use get_network() to retrieve network connection information

Method description



Use this method to retrieve the modem status.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

        "active_sim": "SIM 1",
        "imei_code": "811622048741556",
        "imsi_code": "411220441893359",
        "iccid_code": "84463317227780999882",
        "phone_number": "+8611162203133",
        "signal_level": 0,
        "dbm": 113,
        "rerp": 0,
        "rerq": 0,
        "register_status": 0,
        "operator": "CHN-CT",
        "apns": "",
        "network_type": "4G",
        "lac": "BB00",
        "cell_id": "DD788B81"
  • Return value description

    • active_sim(string): current SIM card.
    • imei_code(string): international mobile equipment identity (IMEI). A null string is returned if the IMEI cannot be retrieved.
    • imsi_code(string): international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). A null string is returned if the IMSI cannot be retrieved.
    • iccid_code(string): integrated circuit card identifier (ICCID). A null string is returned if the ICCID cannot be retrieved.
    • phone_number(string): phone number. A null string is returned if the phone number cannot be retrieved.
    • signal_level(int): signal value.
    • dbm(int): value, in the unit of dBm.
    • rerp(int): reference signal received power (RSRP), reserved.
    • rerq(int): reference signal received quality (RSRQ), reserved.
    • register_status(int): registration status.
      • 0: Network registration is in progress.
      • 1: Network registration is successful.
      • 5: Network registration is successful, and the user is in the roaming state.
      • 6: Network registration is not completed.
      • 7: Unregistered.
    • operator(string): Operator. A null string is returned if the operator name cannot be retrieved.
    • apns(string): access point name (APN), reserved.
    • network_type(string): network type. A null string is returned if the network type cannot be retrieved.
    • lac(string): location area code (LAC). A null string is returned if the LAC cannot be retrieved.
    • cell_id(string): cell ID. A null string is returned if the cell ID cannot be retrieved.

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'



Use this method to retrieve the network connection information.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

        'status': 0,
        'ip_addr': '',
        'netmask': '',
        'gateway': '',
        'dns': '',
        'mtu': 1200,
        'connect_time': 0
  • Return value description

    • status(int): network status
      • 0: network not connected
      • 1: network connected
    • ip_addr(string): IP address
    • netmask(string): subnet mask
    • gateway(string): gateway
    • dns(string): domain name server (DNS)
    • mtu(int): maximum transmission unit (MTU)
    • connect_time(int): connection time, in the unit of seconds

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'

3. Config

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the app path and its configuration file path:

# Import the Config class
from mobiuspi_lib.config import Config

# Create a config instance, which corresponds to the app name HelloWorld. If no app exists in the /var/user/app/ path when the config class is instantiated, the error message "FileExistsError: Invalid app_name, do not find app HelloWorld" is returned.
config = Config(app_name="HelloWorld")

# Retrieve the app path
get_app_path = config.get_app_path()
print("get_app_path: %s" % get_app_path)

# Retrieve the path of the app configuration folder
get_app_cfg_path = config.get_app_cfg_path()
print("get_app_cfg_path: %s" % get_app_cfg_path)

Output result of the example:

get_app_path: /var/user/app/HelloWorld
get_app_cfg_path: /var/user/cfg/HelloWorld

Instructions for use

You can use the Config class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create a config instance
  • Use get_app_path() to retrieve the app path
  • Use get_app_cfg_path() to retrieve the path of the app configuration folder

Method description



Use this method to retrieve the app path.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the app log file path.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the path of the app configuration folder.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the path of the current app configuration file.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the path of the default app configuration file.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the home path of the database.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value




Use this method to retrieve the app database path.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value


4. GPS

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the GPS information:

# Import the GPS class
from mobiuspi_lib.gps import GPS

# Create a gps instance
gps = GPS()

# Retrieve GPS information
position_status = gps.get_position_status()
print("position_status: ")

Output result of the example:

position_status: {
    'gps_enable': 1,
    'gps_time': '2020-06-10  09:31:25',
    'latitude': "30° 35.276870' N",
    'longitude': "104° 3.251330' E",
    'speed': '0.3500 Knots (1knot = 1.852km/h)'

Instructions for use

You can use the GPS class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create a gps instance
  • Use get_position_status() to retrieve GPS information

Method description



Use this method to retrieve MobiusPi’s GPS information.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

      'gps_enable': 1,
      'gps_time': '2020-06-10  09:31:25',
      'latitude': "30° 35.276870' N",
      'longitude': "104° 3.251330' E",
      'speed': '0.3500 Knots (1knot = 1.852km/h)'
  • Return value description

    • gps_enable: specifies whether GPS is enabled.
      • 0: GPS is not enabled.
      • 1: GPS is enabled.
    • gps_time: positioning time.
    • latitude: latitude. A null string is returned if the latitude cannot be retrieved.
    • longitude: longitude. A null string is returned if the longitude cannot be retrieved.
    • speed: speed.

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'

5. I/O

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the I/O name, specify the input I/O mode, read the I/O status, and modify the output I/O:

# Import the I/O class and variables used by I/O-related methods

# Create an io instance
io = IO()

# Retrieve all I/O names
io_list = io.get_io_list()
print("io_list: %s " % io_list)

# Set the digital input I/O mode
sdi = io.setup_digital_io(io_name="di0", mode=DIGITAL_DRY_CONTACT_MODE)
print("sdi: %s" % sdi)

# Read the I/O status 
ri0 = io.read_io(io_name="di0")
print("ri0: %s" % ri0)

# Modify the output I/O
io.write_io(io_name="do0", value=DRY_CONTACT_HIGH_VALUE)
ro0 = io.read_io(io_name="do0")
print("ro0: %s" % ro0)

Output result of the example:

io_list: ['di0', 'di1', 'di2', 'di3', 'do0', 'do1', 'ai0', 'ai1'] 
sdi: {'index': 0, 'name': 'di0', 'type': 'digital input', 'mode': 'drycontact'}
ri0: LOW
ro0: ON

Note: Only devices with model IG902 and IO support AI support this API. For other models, please refer to the I/O Module for information on obtaining IO status.

Instructions for use

You can use the IO class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create an io instance
  • Use get_io_list() to retrieve all I/O names
  • Use setup_digital_io() to set the digital input I/O mode
  • Use setup_analog_io() to set the analog input I/O mode
  • Use read_io(io_name="") to retrieve the I/O status
  • Use write_io() to modify the digital output I/O status

Method description



Use this method to retrieve all I/O names.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

    ['di0', 'di1', 'di2', 'di3', 'do0', 'do1', 'ai0', 'ai1']
  • Return value descriptiondi0 to di3 specify digital inputs DIO to DI3. do0 and do1 specify digital outputs DO0 and DO1. ai0 and ai1 specify analog inputs AI0 and AI1.


When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'



Use this method to retrieve the type and mode of a specific I/O.

Request parameters
  • io_name: I/O name
  • Return type


  • Return value

      'index': 0,
      'name': 'di0',
      'type': 'digital input',
      'mode': 'drycontact'
  • Return value description

    • index: index
    • name: I/O name
    • type: I/O type
      • digital input: digital input
      • digital output: digital output
      • analog input: analog input
    • mode: I/O mode
      • Digital input I/O
        • wetcontact: wet contact
        • drycontact: dry contact
        • shutdown: shutdown
      • Digital output I/O
        • connect: connected
        • break: disconnected
      • Analog input I/O
        • 0_20mA: 0 mA to 20 mA
        • 4_20mA: 4 mA to 20 mA
        • 0_5V: 0 V to 5 V
        • 0_10V: 0 V to 10 V
        • shutdown: shutdown
  • When io_name is set to an incorrect I/O name, such as dd1, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid io_name'
  • When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'



Use this method to retrieve the types and modes of all I/Os.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

        'index': 0,
        'name': 'di0',
        'type': 'digital input',
        'mode': 'drycontact'
    }, {
        'index': 1,
        'name': 'di1',
        'type': 'digital input',
        'mode': 'wetcontact'
    }, {
        'index': 2,
        'name': 'di2',
        'type': 'digital input',
        'mode': 'shutdown'
    }, {
        'index': 3,
        'name': 'di3',
        'type': 'digital input',
        'mode': 'drycontact'
    }, {
        'index': 0,
        'name': 'do0',
        'type': 'digital output',
        'mode': 'connect'
    }, {
        'index': 1,
        'name': 'do1',
        'type': 'digital output',
        'mode': 'break'
    }, {
        'index': 0,
        'name': 'ai0',
        'type': 'analog input',
        'mode': '4_20mA'
    }, {
        'index': 1,
        'name': 'ai1',
        'type': 'analog input',
        'mode': '0_5V'
  • Return value description

    • index: index
    • name: I/O name
    • type: I/O type
      • digital input: digital input
      • digital output: digital output
      • analog input: analog input
    • mode: I/O mode
      • Digital input I/O
        • wetcontact: wet contact
        • drycontact: dry contact
        • shutdown: shutdown
      • Digital output I/O
        • connect: connected
        • break: disconnected
      • Analog input I/O
        • 0_20mA: 0 mA to 20 mA
        • 4_20mA: 4 mA to 20 mA
        • 0_5V: 0 V to 5 V
        • 0_10V: 0 V to 10 V
        • shutdown: shutdown

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'

setup_digital_io(io_name, mode)


Use this method to set the digital input I/O mode.

Request parameters
  • io_name: I/O name (only digital input I/O is supported)
  • mode: digital input I/O mode
    • DIGITAL_DRY_CONTACT_MODE: dry contact mode
    • DIGITAL_WET_CONTACT_MODE: wet contact mode
    • SHUT_DOWN_MODE: shutdown
  • Return type


  • Return value

      'index': 0,
      'name': 'di0',
      'type': 'digital input',
      'mode': 'drycontact'
  • Return value description

    • index: index
    • name: I/O name
    • type: I/O type
      • digital input: digital input
    • mode: I/O mode
      • wetcontact: wet contact
      • drycontact: dry contact
      • shutdown: shutdown
  • When io_name is set to an incorrect I/O name, such as dd1, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid io_name'
  • When the name of a digital output I/O or analog input I/O is entered, such as do0, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Parameter Conflict'
  • When an incorrect mode is entered, such as 1234, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid mode'
  • When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'
  • When MobiusPi is busy, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Device Busy'

setup_analog_io(io_name, mode)


Use this method to set the analog input I/O mode.

Request parameters
  • io_name: I/O name (only analog input I/O is supported)
  • mode: analog input I/O mode
    • ANALOG_LOW_A_MODE: 0-20 mA mode
    • ANALOG_HIGH_A_MODE: 4-20 mA mode
    • ANALOG_LOW_V_MODE: 0-5 V mode
    • ANALOG_HIGH_V_MODE: 0-10 V mode
    • SHUT_DOWN_MODE: shutdown
  • Return type


  • Return value

      'index': 0,
      'name': 'ai0',
      'type': 'analog input',
      'mode': '4_20mA'
  • Return value description

    • index: index
    • name: I/O name
    • type: I/O type
      • analog input: analog input
    • mode: I/O mode
      • 0_20mA: 0 mA to 20 mA
      • 4_20mA: 4 mA to 20 mA
      • 0_5V: 0 V to 5 V
      • 0_10V: 0 V to 10 V
      • shutdown: shutdown
  • When io_name is set to an incorrect I/O name, such as dd1, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid io_name'
  • When the name of a digital input or output I/O is entered, such as do0, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Parameter Conflict'
  • When an incorrect mode is entered, such as 1234, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid mode'
  • When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'
  • When MobiusPi is busy, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Device Busy'



Use this method to read the I/O status.

Request parameters
  • io_name: I/O name
  • Return type


  • Return value

  • Return value description

    • ON
      • ON is returned when the digital input I/O mode is wet contact and the input voltage ranges from 10 V to 30 V.
      • ON is returned when the digital output I/O is connected.
    • OFF
      • OFF is returned when the digital input I/O mode is wet contact and the input voltage ranges from 0 V to 3 V.
      • OFF is returned when the digital output I/O is disconnected.
    • LOW: LOW is returned when the digital input I/O mode is dry contact and disconnected.
    • HIGH: HIGH is returned when the digital input I/O mode is dry contact and connected.
    • Current or voltage of analog input
  • When io_name is set to an incorrect I/O name, such as dd1, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid io_name'
  • When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'



Use this method to modify the digital output I/O status.

Request parameters
  • io_name: name of a digital output I/O.
  • value: value of the digital output I/O.
    • DRY_CONTACT_LOW_VALUE: Set the digital output I/O to the disconnected state.
    • DRY_CONTACT_HIGH_VALUE: Set the digital output I/O to the connected state.
  • Return type


  • Return value

  • Return value description

    • TRUE: Settings are successfully delivered
  • When io_name is set to an incorrect I/O name, such as dd1, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid io_name'
  • When the name of a digital input I/O or analog input I/O is entered, such as do0, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid Parameter'
  • When an incorrect value is entered, such as 1234, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Invalid value'
  • When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'
  • When MobiusPi is busy, the following error message is returned:

    KeyError: 'Device Busy'

6. Serial

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the 232 or 485 serial port path:

# Import the Serial class
from mobiuspi_lib.serial import Serial

# Create a Serial instance  
serial = Serial()

# Retrieve the 232 serial port path
path_232 = serial.get_serial232_path()
print("232 path: %s" % path_232)

# Retrieve the 485 serial port path
path_485 = serial.get_serial485_path()
print("485 path: %s" % path_485)

Output result of the example:

232 path: /dev/ttyO1
485 path: /dev/ttyO3

Instructions for use

You can instantiate the Serial class or its subclass. Procedure:

  • Create an serial instance
  • Use get_serial232_path() to retrieve the 232 serial port path.
  • Use get_serial485_path() to retrieve the 485 serial port path.

Method description



Use this method to retrieve the 232 serial port path.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

  • Return value description

    • /dev/ttyO5: This value is returned when IG501 is used.
    • /dev/ttyO1: This value is returned when IG902 is used.

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'



Use this method to retrieve the 485 serial port path.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

  • Return structure

    • /dev/ttyO1: This value is returned when IG501 is used.
    • /dev/ttyO3: This value is returned when IG902 is used.

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'

7. SystemInfo

Getting started

The following example shows how to retrieve the MobiusPi system information:

# Import the SystemInfo class
from mobiuspi_lib.systeminfo import SystemInfo

# Create a sysinfo instance
sysinfo = SystemInfo()

# Retrieve the MobiusPi system information
get_system_info = sysinfo.get_system_info()
print("get system info: %s" % get_system_info)

Output result of the example:

get system info: {
    'language': 'Chinese',
    'hostname': 'InGateway',
    'model_name': 'IG902H',
    'oem_name': 'inhand',
    'serial_number': 'GT902XXXXXXXXXX',
    'mac_addr1': '00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX',
    'mac_addr2': '00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX',
    'firmware_version': '2.0.0.r12644',
    'bootloader_version': '2017.01.r10517',
    'product_number': 'TH09-W-RE',
    'description': '',
    'auto_save': 1,
    'encrypt_passwd': 1

Instructions for use

You can use the SystemInfo class as an instance, within a class or by subclassing. The general usage flow is as follows:

  • Create an sysinfo instance
  • Use get_system_info() to retrieve the MobiusPi system information

Method description



Use this method to retrieve the MobiusPi system information.

Request parameters


  • Return type


  • Return value

      'language': 'Chinese',
      'hostname': 'InGateway',
      'model_name': 'IG902H',
      'oem_name': 'inhand',
      'serial_number': 'GT902XXXXXXXXXX',
      'mac_addr1': '00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX',
      'mac_addr2': '00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX',
      'firmware_version': '2.0.0.r12644',
      'bootloader_version': '2017.01.r10517',
      'product_number': 'TH09-W-RE',
      'description': '',
      'auto_save': 1,
      'encrypt_passwd': 1
  • Return value description

    • language: language
      • Chinese: Chinese
      • English: English
    • hostname: MobiusPi name
    • model_name: MobiusPi model
    • oem_name: OEM name
    • serial_number: MobiusPi serial number
    • mac_addr1: MAC address 1 of MobiusPi
    • mac_addr2: MAC address 2 of MobiusPi
    • firmware_version: firmware version
    • bootloader_version: bootloader version
    • product_number: product number
    • description: product description
    • auto_save: whether to automatically save modified configurations
      • 0: not automatically save modified configurations
      • 1: automatically save modified configurations
    • encrypt_passwd: whether to encrypt plaintext passwords
      • 0: not encrypt plaintext passwords
      • 1: encrypt plaintext passwords

When the request times out, the following error message is returned:

KeyError: 'Connection Timeout'